This spring a customer on Signal Mountain TN called us to help him with a giant swamp that formed in his backyard. This was not literally a swamp but instead a defunct neighborhood drainage system which was flooding his back yard. The grade appeared flat and the situation dire but it was really a subtle slope. We surveyed the yard using lasers in order to prove that our system would work. We also tested the downstream conveyance to prove that it could be utilized. Once a solution was on the table the surrounding neighbor’s all wanted to be involved as well as they were having similar problems in their yards. By the end of the project we had installed a drainage swale / dry creek bed / french drain system running through the yards of three different neighbors. They all liked what they saw so much that they wanted us to design and install a forest boulder field for their kids to play in. It turned out great! The goal was to create a dry forest savannah. We achieved this as well as three happy customers.